Title: 13 Little Blue Envelopes
Author: Maureen Johnson
Genre: Realistic Fiction
Age: 13+
Rating: 2.7
I'd like to start off this review saying that I read this book without reading the blurb. I had no cover, and it ultimately made it better. I personally don't like their choice to reveal what some of the letters are in the blurb. So, if this is one you wan't to read, I'd recommend not reading the blurb or this article and just jumping into it.
Little Blue Envelopes, by Maureen Johnson, is about a teenage girl, Ginny, who receives 13 little blue envelopes from her deceased Aunt Peggy. Her orders are to open them in numerical order, and do as they say. As she opens the envelopes, she discovers what her aunt did after she abruptly left New York and traveled to Europe to achieve her artistic dreams.
I'm not really sure whether I liked this book or not. This book is definitely not Maureen's best- the intended plot was a great idea, but certain things felt unnecessary and unrealistic.
This book is probably for ages 13 and up, as it includes romance and harder topics.
Unfortunately, there wasn't many characters to choose from, so I have to say my favorite scene was when she handed the taxi driver a bunch of extra money and made him smile. Those moments of the main character being a good person really makes you smile.
I give this a 2.7 rating since it's just kind of a book. There's nothing that really makes it stick out, but its not a bad book either. I'm glad I read her Truly Devious book before this one, or else I might not have continued to read her books. Some times you won't get a book that you absolutely love, and that's okay.
I also didn't really like the cover, so I'm glad that I never had the book jacket to begin with, so I didn't have any expectations for the book. I'd recommend you do that sometime. Ask a friend to find a book and take the jacket off. The cover just shows a pretty women who in no way corresponds to the actual book. The cloths and appearance aren't anything like Ginny.