Title: Wings of Fire
Author: Tui T. Sutherland
Genre: Fantasy
Age: YA
Rating: 4.8
Wings of Fire : The Dragonet Prophecy, by Tui T. Sutherland, is the first book in a YA Fantasy book series called Wings of Fire. The first five books plot revolves around the "Sandwing War", which was caused when their Queen died and left her 3 heirs to the throne. The war is about who should be the next Sandwing Queen, and supposedly, the dragonets of prophecy would stop the war in the 20th anniversary.
In the first book, it focuses on the viewpoint of Clay, the hungry, loving mudwing. The dragonets are beings kept in a dark, lonely cavern, hidden away from the Skywing queen, Scarlet. The dragonets work together to escape so they can make the difference they where raised to make.
My favorite character is Glory, who is the rainwing who replaced the skywing that was killed before they hatched. Rainwings are supposed to be lazy, hazy dragons. They have camouflage scales and Glory hates her descendants. Their caretakers never take her seriously, and at one point plot to kill her. Glory is a grumpy dragonet, but quick on her feet and smarter than you realize. She's a relatable character for many people, including me.
I'd give this a 4.8 star myself, since this series isn't for everyone, but I love it.
I would highly recommend this series for those who enjoy fantasy books and dragons. There is really good character development, and even though there are clique moments, what is a good book without them?