Title: Renegades
Author: Marissa Meyers
Genre: Superhero, Fantasy
Age: YA
Rating: 4.5
Renegades is a Science Fiction book by Marissa Meyers about people with extraordinary powers. The two main characters are Nightmare and Sketch, Nova and Adrian. Renegades are superheros who work together to stop the Anarchists, who are villains. However, the Renegades have flawed methods and too much power, and have lost sight of what is truly right. The Anarchists also have flawed ways, but their idea is that all people with powers deserve to be themselves without being burned at the stake. Or at least, that's what Nova thinks. You can side with whatever side you want.
The book has lot of really good character development that makes you hate and love them.
Nova is the deadly villain the media dubbed Nightmare, and her ability is to cause others sleep and never sleep herself. She is the only Anarchist that no one knows the true identity of, and decides to infiltrate the Renegades headquarters by being a renegade herself. She uses her new alias, Insomnia, to learn more about them. She is recruited by Adrian's team, and begins to gain the strength she needs to do what she thinks is right.
Personally, I'd give this book a 4.5 stars, since I love the character development and bold plot line. It isn't easy to come up with a superhero story line that isn't entirely clique. However, there are several moments where Nova's and Adrian's relationship get extremely cheesy. I still highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys books where people have gifts, and enjoy escaping their world to a futurist experience.
My age group would be teenagers and up. That's mainly because of the violence and the romance elements. I think that some younger kids could handle it, but not everyone.